Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Sixteen Weeks

Here I am at sixteen weeks and one day—not that anyone's counting. The baby is 2/5ths cooked, which annoyingly feels like less than last week's 3/8ths. Damn you fractions and your tricky ways!

I am now wearing official maternity clothes and am, ironically, happier—and cozier—for it. It turns out that elastic waistbands are so much more comfortable than regular denim ones—especially when you have AN EXTRA PERSON INSIDE YOU exerting pressure on your belly. It also turns out that the key to happy maternity-pants-wearing are those belly-band things that look like the bottom edge of a tank-top poking out from underneath your shirt but are actually giant soft rubber bands that help hold your pants up. I can’t tell you how much time I spent during my last pregnancy hiking up my pants. (So much time!) With my hands now full of toddler and toddler accoutrements, I really need my pants to stay up on their own this time around. I have a tendency to have overly high expectations, but I'm pretty sure that wanting your pants not to spontaneously fall off is not asking too much. Right?


  1. What is this belly-band thing that you speak of? I'm 23 weeks and soooo very tired of having to pull my pants up all of the time, just because my stomach is too big for normal jeans but not huge enough to hold up these maternity jeans on its own.

  2. They're called the "Bella Band", made by a company called Ingrid & Isabel. (They have their own website, and you can get BBs at some maternity stores, and maybe on Amazon.) Other companies (and people on Etsy) make other versions, but the BB is the only one I can vouch for in terms of its pants-holding abilities. (Today my LEGGINGS started falling off, and I was all WTF?! Leggings are supposed to be the one stress-free piece of maternity-wear!) Good luck to you and your pants, Ambrosia.

  3. By the end of my pregnancy the belly part of my maternity jeans was so stretched out I could tuck it into my bra. I am a classy lady.

  4. I'm sure that tucking it into your bra helped them stay up! You're classy AND a genius.

  5. 'Damn you fractions and your tricky ways' - tee hee. thanks for making me giggle today!
